Trust in the Lord with all your heart;  do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do,   and he will show you which path to take.

~ Proverbs 3:5-6

I’ve struggled so much with dating. Anyone who has entered the online dating scene has at some point dealt with wondering “what is wrong with me”, “why can’t I meet a great man?” It’s so hard not to take things personally when someone disappears or asks to meet and then disappears. I have had this happen many times and it does not feel good.

For a while I took it personally and wondered what I may have been doing wrong,   was I giving off a negative energy or a bad vibe?  I reflected on the situation and realized that perhaps it had nothing to do with me,  maybe it was God intervening as I had asked him to protect me.

I prayed to God to protect me as I date, to show me someone’s true character quickly and help me to end things when something does not feel right for me, even if I’m lonely and like the attention I’m getting from them.  It’s interesting what letting loneliness rule can do to us, ie settling for someone who is NOT MY PERSON!  YIKES!!!

As I reflect on my prayers I can see how they have been answered.

God is in my life, fighting for me and working all things for my good if I will TRUST HIM.  Trusting Him in this situation means sharing my inner most hopes and fears and continuing to trust Him more than I trust my past experiences and not trying to figure it out on my own.

I am reminded that if I trust God and trust that He has a plan for my life then all I need to do is work on myself to be the best most loving and healthy version of myself and He will take care of the rest. I can’t even express the burden that was lifted off of me through this revelation! All of my doubts and fears seemed to subside as I embraced the “possibility” that this is true! I always try to “figure” things out but I’m realizing in some circumstances that means not trusting God, not trusting that He has a bigger and better plan than I could ever ask for or imagine. I’m choosing to trust God, to give Him my heart and focus on leveling up my life by accomplishing the goals I have for myself and letting Him bring this man to me. It’s scary and exciting and it is well with my soul!! I’m in tears as I write this because I have been through the whole gamut of thoughts and emotions throughout my divorce and dating but I am at peace now.

This shit is HARD, but oh so worth it!!!!  Surrender to Him sis, and I promise it will be a beautiful journey – not always easy but a beautiful adventure!!

With love,
