Vulnerability is strength

It takes strength to step into my authentic power

I will honor my hopes, dreams, desires and wants

I feel my feelings without drowning in them

It’s ok to rock the f*%king boat, it’s imperative at times

I will never again abandon myself

I believe in love

I live unapologetically

I know this to be true ~ God is in control

From my past, I learned that I am responsible for creating my own happiness

I am NOT responsible for any other person’s happiness

In the past, I put others needs and feelings ahead of my own

I believed my needs and feeling didn’t matter

My wants, needs, desires and feelings do matter

I will honor them   I will feel them   They are of utmost importance

I am my own advocate  I speak my truth

I ask for what I need

I don’t expect anyone to read my mind

My heart is full of love and truth; this is my strength and my way of connecting with people

I need to stay focused on what is inside of me  This allows for incredible connection

I am connected with my heart and my truth

I am learning to have compassion for myself and my journey

I speak gently to myself

I am learning to trust myself and get validation from within